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Docker Container Increase Disk Space

broken image

Restart the Docker daemon. Note: by default, if you have AUFS support, Docker will use it; so if you want to enforce the use of the Device Mapper plugin, you should add -s devicemapper to the command-line flags of the daemon. Check with docker info that Data Space Total reflects the correct amount. We need a faster pool. Docker image optimization usually is intended to reduce the image size so that it takes up less disk space.why do you want to compromise on your performance time by increasing the image size?

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  1. While testing our PMM2 Beta and other Dockerized applications, you may want to clean up your docker install and start from scratch. If you're not very familiar with Docker it may not be that trivial. This post focuses on cleaning up everything in docker so you can 'start from scratch' which means removing all your containers and their data.
  2. The only noticeable differences are in the disk layout, with space reserved automatically for Docker and containers, along with the plethora of mounts for SELinux, cgroups, etc. That accompany a.
  3. Docker is a multipurpose tool that can replicate many functions of a virtual machine with less of the hassle. Because Docker operates using virtual software packages (called 'containers') running from the same software kernel, Docker can help you reduce storage overhead while deepening the complex functions of your server.

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Installing or updating an app (ahem, ahem XCode…) on macOS is sometimes surprisingly difficult because of missing disk space. In this blog post, I'll describe various ways to quickly and safely clean vast amounts of storage on a Mac Book used for web development.

I've recently performed the same analysis and cleanup on my MacBook Pro. As a result, I've managed to free tens of GBs of storage and could finally update XCode to the newest version.

Analyze your disk usage

The best way to identify where the bulk of your storage space is allocated is to use Disk Inventory X application. On macOS, the simplest way to install it is to use the Homebrew Cask.

The program offers straightforward UI allowing you to at a glance examine your storage usage:

Let's now discuss the lowest hanging fruits in reducing storage usage.

Remove redundant applications cache

On my computer the significant bulk of unnecessary data was in the ~/Library/Caches folder. I've noticed hundreds of MBs related to Yarn that I did not use for a year or so. Apparently, many applications are keen to cache data while neglecting to do the cleanup afterward.

2tb external usb. You can thoroughly purge the cache using the following commands: Mediafour macdrive 9.

Alternatively, you can cherry-pick which cache folders to remove. I've been regularly doing the total cache cleanups for a couple of months now. Other than the temporary system slowdown, I did not notice any issues.

Obviously, the cache will rebuild itself over time. But it does not grow to the same size even after a more extended period. After removing over 30GB of cache, the Caches folder size increased to only around 2GB after the week of regularly using the computer.

macOS cache usage a week after cleanup

Remove old log files

I work mostly with Ruby on Rails on my desktop. While using Disk Inventory X, I've discovered that running the local tests continuously appends content to the log/test.log file.

I can imagine other stacks similarly silently consuming the disk space. Disk Inventory X is invaluable in identifying and fixing such cases.

Reduce Docker disk space usage

Docker has a bad reputation for devouring large amounts of disk space. You can check how much of your disk space Docker has acquired so far by running:

Now run docker images to see which images are taking up most of the disk space:

On my computer, I've had various versions of the postgres image, each taking a considerable amount of space. You can remove the Docker image by running the following command:

From my experience, images usually take most of the disk space. However, if you'd like to do a more global cleanup including Docker containers, networks, and cache, use this command:

The total cleanup works for me because all my local Docker projects can be easily recreated using seed data. Make sure to double-check if you don't have data that will be difficult to recover before removing a container or a volume.

Check out the Docker documentation to read more about other pruning commands.


I hope those tips will help you to clean the vast amounts of disk space easily. Regularly checking the Disk Inventory X for unnecessary disk usage bloats is the a good practice that will help you keep your disk usage in order.

I wanted to write it as a comment toarticle of @Evgeny Shvarov . But it happens to be so long, so, decided to post it separately.

I would like to add a bit of clarification about how docker uses disk space and how to clean it. I use macOS, so, everything below, is mostly for macOS, but docker commands suit any platform.

While docker comes from Linux, it works there on the same filesystem by default. But on Windows and macOS, it works in a small virtual machine with its own Linux inside. And disk's space there is limited my settings in docker. In my case, I have configured it to use up to 112 GB.

So, when you actively working with Docker, your space inside will go out. You can check how docker spends all that space with the command.

In macOS with the latest versions of Docker, used the raw format of the disk (previously was qcow2). And together with APFS filesystem in macOS, this file may take up less physical space than file size itself. Look at these two commands.

Docker Container Increase Disk Space

ls command shows the size of my Docker.raw file as 104Gb, while du command shows real size on the disk and it is 88Gb

Well, docker system df showed me, that I can reclaim some space. Let's do this.

This command deletes any stopped containers and any non-tagged images which not in use by any tagged images. And can be deleted safely.

You maybe noticed that it was reclaimed just only 5.5 GB, while docker system df said about 55GB. That's because, df counts all not active images, not just dangled ones. If you want to delete all those images as well, you can use this command. Which deletes any images which not used in running containers at the moment. So, if you don't have any running containers, it will delete all local images.

Docker Container Increase Disk Space Drive

I just reclaimed only dangled images and stopped containers. How much space my docker use now.

As you can see, it uses already less size. ls will show the same result. The size of the file mostly grows.

Docker Container Disk Space

But for macOS is mostly important how much space is used on a physical disk.

Docker Disk Space Usage

And as you can see it now 69GB, and it is about 19GB less than it was before.

So, for macOS users, it does not really matter how much size of the file, with APFS optimizations it can be less in reality.

Docker Container Disk Size

Another way to prune old images with some filter by creation date. Like this example, will delete all images which were created more than 10 days ago, but will keep images which currently in use by containers.

broken image